Thursday, December 30, 2010

tea for 2

very very soon this little peanut will arrive, and I am not the only one who can't wait!!

let me introduce you to one of my very best friends in the WHOLE world!  she is beautiful.

and she is fun.... really fun, we laugh... she is quirky... as am I... 

love this.  not so much the dust (my house), but the light and the detail.

this wee one will be child #3,
 she is multitasking, getting ready for a pic and feeding my child at the table.  no sweat.
will #3 be a gorgeous red-head like #1 and #2???  my bet is YES!  stay-tuned!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


we heard the bells, I grabbed my camera and snuck out into the hallway.  no flash, didn't want to scare him. things are a bit blurry, but no matter!  my husband woke the boys to see - and they saw too!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bouncin' Baby Boy...

This ADORABLE baby boy was happiest bouncing.. and bouncing... and bouncing. Those little legs didn't want to stop.

the 'Gerber'iest baby I have ever had a session with!!

Turns out, being this cute - and bouncin' for hours can really turn up your appetite...
Enough with the walk in the snow - time for a bottle!

"I'll show you bubbles LADY!"

Thanks so much for letting me come into your home and capture your sweet, sweet family, I really enjoyed you all!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

little boy - BIG CITY

This little one was soooo cute with how curious he was about everything.  We met at Mill City and you could just see the amazement in his little blue eyes with the big buildings, the river and all. 

Thanks for playing little man!!

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